Exam Revision Formula

So here’s the problem, and it isn’t your fault.


It’s a testing, often-lonely experience with a lot riding on the results.

It can get pretty ugly, but I can help.

Your 6-step Exam Revision Formula starts here.

STEP 1: Cut the overwhelm and create a clear, achievable revision plan

STEP 2: Build a solid revision foundation with powerful note taking

STEP 3: Stop wasting time on ego-boosting revision techniques – learn what REALLY works instead

STEP 4: Learn how to structure your revision so you ACTUALLY remember what you’re learning

STEP 5: Make sure every one of your revision session is focused and highly productive

STEP 6: Upgrade your mindset so you can feel calm throughout your revision and quietly confident as you walk into your exam.

The Exam Revision Formula is a complete beginning-to-end revision system rather than bodging together 47 different pieces of exam advice and hoping for the best.


MODULE 1 > How to create a clear achievable revision plan so you know what to do and when.

LESSON 1: EXAM INVESTIGATION > understand your exam 'monster' so you're 100% prepared to fight it

LESSON 2: REVISION SCHEDULE > grab all your resources and planners to fight overwhelm, keep you on track and help you squeeze the most out of your scarce revision time.
MODULE 2 > Learn the revision strategies you need to start off strong and finish with the exam grades you deserve

LESSON 1: ACTIVE REVISION > ditch the pointless, ego-boosting revision techniques and learn what REALLY works

LESSON 2: FANTASTIC NOTES > build your revision foundation with this simple method. Use my templates to speed up your note taking and turn your notes into revision guides...effortlessly

LESSON 3: MIGHTY MINDMAPS > use my 6 step process for creating powerful mindmaps that guide your revision, organise your thoughts and trigger your memory in your exams

LESSON 4: THE POWER OF FLASHCARDS > unleash the power of this simple, powerful (but often misused) revision method. Learn 10 top tips for crazy-effective, memory-boosting flashcards

LESSON 5: RECALL OVER RECOGNITION > discover why rereading your notes is an illusion of competence...and why testing your knowledge is the key to exam success

LESSON 6: DIFFERENT TYPES OF EXAM > find out why exam practice is vital to passing your exams. Learn the specific preparation strategies you should be using for 7 different types of written exam.
MODULE 3 > The secrets to memory hacking, efficient studying and believing you’ll pass your exam.

LESSON 1: REMEMBER WHAT YOU LEARN > learn a simple strategy to structure your revision and implement these 7 science-backed memory hacks to boost your brain power and ACTUALLY remember what you learn

LESSON 2: THE W.I.S.H METHOD > follow my 4-step method for highly productive and effective revision - saving you time and boosting your results. Discover 10 things you can do today to turn crippling procrastination into potent productivity

LESSON 3: THE 3 CORE REVISION ACTIVITIES > discover the 3 ways you should be spending ALL your revision time, and how to structure your sessions so you're always improving your understanding and recall

LESSON 4: STRONG REVISION MINDSET > learn how to overcome your fears and mindset niggles. Steal my powerful exercise you can do in a few minutes a day to de-stress and build your confidence...so you can ace your exams.
MODULE 4 > The strategies you need to feel prepared and powerful so you can kick butt in your exam. 

LESSON 1: POSITIVE EXAM MINDSET > discover 4 common but crippling exam fears and my secrets to overcome them. Introduce a simple 2 minute exercise into your revision routine to calm your nerves and boost your exam performance

LESSON 2: EXAM PREPARATION > follow my step-by-step process for preparing for your exam without the panic. Find out exactly what you need to do and bring to your exam so you don't make any silly mistakes

LESSON 3: IN-EXAM STRATEGIES > discover my 30+ secret strategies to help you perform at your best in your exam. Learn how to structure your exam time so you gain as many marks as possible, and the tips and tricks you need to keep a cool head under pressure

LESSON 4: FUTURE EXAM FOUNDATION > discover my 5 strategies for building your super-strong exam success foundation. Find out how to fit revision into your day-to-day studying so you save time and stress...AND so you can reach those higher grades.


BONUS Bundle of printables and planners
Get better results faster with this bundle of 40+ pages of printables, worksheets and cheat sheets to level up your revision and take the stress out of your exam preparation.

Monthly and weekly planners; revision session planner and task lists; note taking templates; essay question breakdown worksheet; exam reviewer workbook...and many more! 

- Entire Exam Revision Formula course
- Printables and planners bundle
- Lifetime access and updates


- Entire Exam Revision Formula course
- Printables and planners bundle
- Lifetime access and updates
- 4 weeks email accountability for motivation, support + guidance
- 45-minute coaching call to create a personalised exam revision strategy and plan


5 Modules

Welcome to the Exam Revision Formula

Learn my 6-step process for powerful revision without the panic and overwhelm. Find out how this course will teach you and some top tips for kicking butt in your revision. 

MODULE 1: Plan and Schedule Your Revision

Learn how to create a clear achievable revision plan so you know what to do and when.

Modules for this product 5

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